Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club
Australia Day Trophy

Series scores

Fleet - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
26 Jan 2017
11830Still BittenMosquito Cat + SpinGary Maskiell11.0
21775Karma CatMosquito Cat + SpinTim Shepperd22.0
33099Molly 'O'Flying FifteenJohn Foley33.0
41842HoopoeNs14Andrew Somerville44.0
591TarnaTumlarenCarol Frecheville55.0
6M25SireneMacGregor 25 TSNick Eremia66.0
7G101Chibizulu [NS]Zulu Mini TonnerPeter Farrell77.0
835Golden DreamNorwalk Island Sharpie (NIS 26)David Penhall88.0
9446Banana BoatSabreArcher Manuell99.0
10128815Cool RunningLaser RadialBrod Lang1010.0
11C43LolaCouta BoatJohn Mulkearns67 (DNC)67.0
1174Quantum LeapMagnum 8.5 Linda Youngs67 (DNC)67.0
1112856ZephyrLaser RadialJaime Zizman67 (DNC)67.0
11366Never Too OldSabreLouise South67 (DNC)67.0
11213WirriwjamaRL 28 Roger Plowman67 (DNC)67.0
111406Tenth Prime29erJasmine Francis67 (DNC)67.0
113130Supertoy 12.5125Brian Carroll67 (DNC)67.0
11342Vintage RedRL 24 SK Mark Francis67 (DNC)67.0
111467RumMosquitoSteve Jenes67 (DNC)67.0
11141947LaserLaser RadialNeil Zizman67 (DNF)67.0
111567Itchy FeetNoelex 30/Farr 940 Norbert Hrouda67 (DNC)67.0
1128113Wed WakattTopperNigel Emerson67 (DNC)67.0
111804Bills BoatSabreJacqui Crawford67 (DNC)67.0
1136085JeffHobie 14Ben Bockman67 (DNC)67.0
11M678Steely DanAdams 40 CruisingBrian Clague67 (DNC)67.0
113005Rocket Cow125Mark Jefferis67 (DNC)67.0
112HarmonySunbird 25 John Holmes67 (DNC)67.0
11BR14EstralitaSouthern Cross 23 C Johnson67 (DNC)67.0
115352TOCATTAJarkan 39David Griffiths67 (DNC)67.0
11542TremolinoEtchellsMike Sowa67 (DNC)67.0
111621Say No MoreNoelex 30Jonathon Wood67 (DNC)67.0
1166NovaUltimate 18 SK Mark Jefferris67 (DNC)67.0
11923Time FliesSonata 8 Neil Smith67 (DNC)67.0
11625BlueSabreKen Thomas67 (DNC)67.0
113931Wow!Flying FifteenMichael Clark67 (DNC)67.0
11243HammerheadOptimistEnola Jefferis67 (DNC)67.0
1182GhostDragonJohn Johnson67 (DNC)67.0
114282KalimnaTimpenny 770 SK Chris Avery67 (DNC)67.0
11417White PointerEtchellsFleming Rasmussen67 (DNC)67.0
113021ScorpioTimpenny 770 SK Gerry Van Maanen67 (DNC)67.0
11FH 940No WorriesSouthley BusterPaul Borg67 (DNC)67.0
113572Reliance 17Flying FifteenRod Gardiner67 (DNC)67.0
111789ImmunityMosquito Sloop SpinNeil Joiner67 (DNC)67.0
11247GrowlerEtchellsKevin Brown67 (DNC)67.0
11C26KateCavalier 26Harry Stephens67 (DNC)67.0
113880Where The Bloody Hell Are YouFlying FifteenCraig Rainey67 (DNC)67.0
11829Shadowfax [NS]EtchellsRuss Peel67 (DNC)67.0
1116Waza RagerRoss 780 (Mod)David Homewood67 (DNC)67.0
111984Weapon Of ChoiceSabreTim Heaney67 (DNC)67.0
11101Joe BlowSpitfireJohn Foley67 (DNC)67.0
113125Inside Joke125Charlie Broomhall67 (DNC)67.0
11C1789JuliaCouta Boat 22Andrew Somerville67 (DNC)67.0
113019Full CircleTimpenny 770 SK Peter Morrison67 (DNC)67.0
115Raptor [NS]Castle 550 Ron Peel67 (DNC)67.0
113611Ten Pound NoteFlying FifteenTrevor Williams67 (DNC)67.0
11V05NitroFormula FifteenMark Jefferis67 (DNC)67.0
111790Bee AlertMosquito Cat + SpinPeter Nikitin67 (DNC)67.0
113672ImpulseFlying FifteenJim Callahan67 (DNF)67.0
113035LongnoseAdams 13Frank Nott67 (DNC)67.0
11939By InvitationNoelex 25 Buster Hooper67 (DNC)67.0
112929BurrunanTasarAndrew Sayle67 (DNC)67.0
11505Its AlrightRoss 830Brian Collins67 (DNC)67.0
113854Relience Ffenty FfooFlying FifteenBill Shand67 (DNC)67.0
11b46Slippery When WetSeaway 25Jacqui Crawford67 (DNC)67.0
1111The LemonStatus 580Michael Chapman67 (DNC)67.0
111500Storm WarningMosquito CatSteve Duff67 (DNF)67.0
Please check the order of tied scores

Race 126 Jan 2017

Fleet, Yardstick results

11830Still BittenMosquito Cat + SpinGary Maskiell77.000:42:100:54:451
21775Karma CatMosquito Cat + SpinTim Shepperd78.500:44:010:56:042
33099Molly 'O'Flying FifteenJohn Foley109.001:15:151:09:023
41842HoopoeNs14Andrew Somerville108.001:17:031:11:204
591TarnaTumlarenCarol Frecheville112.001:25:351:16:245
6M25SireneMacGregor 25 TSNick Eremia125.001:36:361:17:166
7G101Chibizulu [NS]Zulu Mini TonnerPeter Farrell108.401:24:191:17:477
835Golden DreamNorwalk Island Sharpie (NIS 26)David Penhall122.001:34:561:17:488
9446Banana BoatSabreArcher Manuell127.001:53:351:29:269
10128815Cool RunningLaser RadialBrod Lang125.001:56:291:33:1110
C43LolaCouta BoatJohn Mulkearns120.00DNC67
74Quantum LeapMagnum 8.5 Linda Youngs0.7670DNC67
12856ZephyrLaser RadialJaime Zizman125.00DNC67
366Never Too OldSabreLouise South127.00DNC67
213WirriwjamaRL 28 Roger Plowman0.6920DNC67
1406Tenth Prime29erJasmine Francis96.50DNC67
3130Supertoy 12.5125Brian Carroll123.00DNC67
342Vintage RedRL 24 SK Mark Francis0.7250DNC67
1467RumMosquitoSteve Jenes83.50DNC67
141947LaserLaser RadialNeil Zizman114.00DNF67
1567Itchy FeetNoelex 30/Farr 940 Norbert Hrouda0.8250DNC67
28113Wed WakattTopperNigel Emerson137.00DNC67
1804Bills BoatSabreJacqui Crawford127.00DNC67
36085JeffHobie 14Ben Bockman96.50DNC67
M678Steely DanAdams 40 CruisingBrian Clague110.00DNC67
3005Rocket Cow125Mark Jefferis123.00DNC67
2HarmonySunbird 25 John Holmes0.6350DNC67
BR14EstralitaSouthern Cross 23 C Johnson0.6500DNC67
5352TOCATTAJarkan 39David Griffiths92.00DNC67
542TremolinoEtchellsMike Sowa93.00DNC67
1621Say No MoreNoelex 30Jonathon Wood97.00DNC67
66NovaUltimate 18 SK Mark Jefferris0.5900DNC67
923Time FliesSonata 8 Neil Smith0.7280DNC67
625BlueSabreKen Thomas127.00DNC67
3931Wow!Flying FifteenMichael Clark109.00DNC67
243HammerheadOptimistEnola Jefferis170.00DNC67
82GhostDragonJohn Johnson107.00DNC67
4282KalimnaTimpenny 770 SK Chris Avery112.00DNC67
417White PointerEtchellsFleming Rasmussen93.00DNC67
3021ScorpioTimpenny 770 SK Gerry Van Maanen112.00DNC67
FH 940No WorriesSouthley BusterPaul Borg151.10DNC67
3572Reliance 17Flying FifteenRod Gardiner109.00DNC67
1789ImmunityMosquito Sloop SpinNeil Joiner77.00DNC67
247GrowlerEtchellsKevin Brown93.00DNC67
C26KateCavalier 26Harry Stephens127.40DNC67
3880Where The Bloody Hell Are YouFlying FifteenCraig Rainey109.00DNC67
829Shadowfax [NS]EtchellsRuss Peel93.00DNC67
16Waza RagerRoss 780 (Mod)David Homewood99.10DNC67
1984Weapon Of ChoiceSabreTim Heaney127.00DNC67
101Joe BlowSpitfireJohn Foley115.00DNC67
3125Inside Joke125Charlie Broomhall123.00DNC67
C1789JuliaCouta Boat 22Andrew Somerville140.00DNC67
3019Full CircleTimpenny 770 SK Peter Morrison112.00DNC67
5Raptor [NS]Castle 550 Ron Peel118.80DNC67
3611Ten Pound NoteFlying FifteenTrevor Williams109.00DNC67
V05NitroFormula FifteenMark Jefferis92.00DNC67
1790Bee AlertMosquito Cat + SpinPeter Nikitin78.50DNC67
3672ImpulseFlying FifteenJim Callahan109.00DNF67
3035LongnoseAdams 13Frank Nott0.8630DNC67
939By InvitationNoelex 25 Buster Hooper0.7250DNC67
2929BurrunanTasarAndrew Sayle108.00DNC67
505Its AlrightRoss 830Brian Collins101.60DNC67
3854Relience Ffenty FfooFlying FifteenBill Shand109.00DNC67
b46Slippery When WetSeaway 25Jacqui Crawford0.7250DNC67
11The LemonStatus 580Michael Chapman114.90DNC67
1500Storm WarningMosquito CatSteve Duff83.50DNF67
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